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simply * sustainably * enjoy



The restaurant in the southern front building of the Arminius market hall is a place for sustainable enjoyment and fresh preparation of seasonal dishes. Take a look at our Map – all dishes are also available to take away. 

You are welcome to use our page for Online Orders use. 

And: Good wines, the finest beers and regionality - that's what we stand for.


For celebrations or events of all kinds, there is one next to the restaurant area event space, media technology, a piano and a tasteful catering offer.

In the warm months we also work on our terrace.

Guild Economy Hall.jpg

Request a Table

Select your details and we’ll try to get the best seats for you.

Please note that every table reservation made here must be confirmed by us by telephone or e-mail. Without this, the reservation is not valid. In the event of delays, the table will be kept free 20 minutes after the agreed time, after which the reservation will expire.

Reservations are also possible by telephone and e-mail:

+49 30 12089778; +49 170 5810100;

You can pay in cash, with credit and debit cards and via NFC. 

Before making a reservation, please read all of them Privacy Policy inclusive hp, the GDPR (in particularArt. 6 Para. 1 lit. af GDPR and Art. 21 Para. 1 GDPR) and that TMG meticulously! (We will query you.)

Not even every fourth household in Germany cooks freshly every day.
Convenience food is still on the rise.

Flavors and additives change the taste of food and consumers.
What are we doing there?

We cook fresh every day, maintain the culture of eating and form good taste!

We have all this and much more to offer: exhibitions, workshops, concerts, rehearsals, presentations, festivals, private events for artists, clubs, groups, tour companies, institutions, companies.

          Our current exhibition presents Rixdorf prints together with the Franka Loewe Gallery and historical market hall impressions

Rixdorfer print Franka Loewe

Do you actually know why we are called ZUNFTWIRTSCHAFT (guild = ZUNFT)? It's not just about checkered tablecloths and hearty food...

Historically, the "guilds" arose as associations of craftsmen who wanted to secure common interests, quality and a fairer income. They guaranteed the consumers a stable price-performance ratio and the handshake counted.


Our listed market hall, the Arminius market hall or Zunfthalle, built in 1891, referred to the good things from this history with its name and its concept. It was revitalized in 2010 by the "Zunft AG" as a "place of good things" for regional and manufactured products, art, culture and citizen participation.
And one good thing about it is the ZUNFTWIRTSCHAFT.


Besides, we don't want to be pigeonholed, we're just there, positive and in peaceful coexistence. There is no after-work, no happy hour and no happy meal here - the soft tones let the guests feel that they are always welcome and can feel at ease.

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