13.10. 2019

LIFE Berlin has invited:
LIFE as a local church in the Kiez Moabit - we would be happy if you were there!
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You live in or around Moabit or are looking for a church that could become a home for you, then come!
You are looking for God and would like to experience church in a different way, then just try LIFE!
You always wanted to be part of the birth of a young and new church, then come and be part of the vision and the dream team.
You don't know exactly what to think of God and the Church, then get involved again and freshly!
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13.10. / 10.30 a.m
Guild management - Arminiusmarkthalle Moabit
At the same time, there is a great children's service for 3-9 year olds, and there is a parent-child corner for the little ones!
Your heart beats for young, dynamic, passionate church in your neighborhood? Then come and get to know the team and our dream of a church.